Do the Greenhornes really need a "greatest-hits" album at this point in history? In a better world, they would -- of the many bands on the "nuevo garage" scene, they're one of the few whose blues-wailing sounds sincere and not forced, and who can cop the snazz of the Stones, the Pretty Things, and the Yardbirds while bringing something of their own personality to the picture. However, in the early innings of the 21st century, the Greenhornes unfortunately have a cult following rather than a mass audience like so many trading in real rock & roll, and rather than serving as a one-stop-shopping place for the group's many wildly successful platters, Sewed Soles instead allows folks just recently catching on to this fine band (perhaps because of the endorsement of Jack White or their presence on the soundtrack Brokeback Mountain) to hear how they've progressed to their current level of cool. Sewed Soles features representative cuts from the Greenhornes' first three full-length albums (The Greenhornes, Gun for You, and Dual Mono), two tunes from the East Grand Blues EP (their first release for V2), a rare single side produced by that Jack White fellow, and two previously unreleased alternate takes. Capable of shifting from slinky groove ("There Is an End," featuring Holly Golightly on guest vocals) to full-on R&B muscle (the bruising "Can't Stand It") whenever they please, these 19 tunes tell you all you need to know about how good the Greenhornes can be on record, and Sewed Soles is an ideal introduction to an unsung powerhouse on the American rock scene. Give it a listen, and wait patiently for album number four. -AMG

The Greenhornes - Sewed Soles - 2005/rs
The Greenhornes - Sewed Soles - 2005/mu