Make sure to thank Zach!
Every year, us folks at Suburban Sprawl Music put together a holiday compilation all in the name of good times. The comp is available for free download, and as a free limited edition CD available at Suburban Sprawl events in December. We've been doing this since 2002, with the comp growing in quality and quantity each year. Obviously, we have the holidays on lock.
This year we had some great new contributors (Scott Masson from Office,), while the old holiday comp "regulars" (Andrew Dost of Fun, The entire Suburban Sprawl crew) stepped up to the plate as well.
2009's edition (along with every edition since 2002) is available here:
Zip of 2009's comp:
http://www.suburbansprawlmusic.com/Audio/ MP3/xmas09/xmas09.zip
Hi res cover art:
http://www.suburbansprawlmusic.com/xmas/ images/2009_hires.jpg
Web sized cover art:
http://www.suburbansprawlmusic.com/xmas/ images/2009_med.jpg
Thanks and happy holidays!
- Zach